Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I thought this was a very relevant conference that is pretty inexpensive and some of you might be interested in, so here is the info:

Focus on ParentingTM

You'll find everything you need to face the joys and challenges of parenting with confidence. You'll find everything you need to help your family thrive—every step of the way!

Focus on ParentingTM, brings together the experiences of Dr. Kevin Leman, Larry Fowler, Phil Vischer, Elisa Morgan, Mark Holmen, Ron Luce, Juli Slattery, and Bob Waliszewski to bring you the most collectively broad panel of wisdom and knowledge for raising Godly children than any other single-day event ever offered.

Saturday, November 14, join Focus on the Family®, the premier parenting ministry, as parents, church leaders, and the world's most respected voices gather together to offer wisdom about:

  • equipping parents to know and serve God
  • learning together how to experience the beauty of God's design for family
  • building effective safeguards in the home
  • instilling Christ-like character in your children
  • being salt and light in your family's community
This is going to be simulcast at Trinity Park here in Greenfield. You can register at

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Do you have a friend that you think would benefit from MOPS, the fellowship, adult conversation, 2 hours every other Friday of time for themselves? Then no time is better than today to ask them to come to our first meeting to see it all for themselves! Our first meeting is September 18th, and that is just around the corner. We are looking forward to seeing you soon...and your friends!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Coming Soon...

Hi girls! I thought this year I would try to keep everyone a little better up to date and have some fun communication by having our own site where we can come, find out what's going on with our MOPS group, the MOPS organization and possibly some fun random information I thought could be useful in our daily lives as mothers of preschoolers. You never know what you might find here so bookmark and come back often!

The 2009-2010 MOPS year begins September 18th at Brandywine, that is just over one month away! Our steering team is getting excited and ready for fun, lots of great speakers and information, fellowship with other terrific moms, new crafts and service projects. If you haven't committed your first and third Friday mornings yet, please do so soon. We would love to have you join us as we gather together on Planet Mom!